
UDK: 624.
DOI: n/a

Published: Građevinar 62 (2010) 3
Paper type: Original scientific paper
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Analysis of prestressed concrete shells subjected to long-term load

Jure Radnić, Domagoj Matešan, Nikola Grgić


A numerical model for the material and geometric non-linear analysis of prestressed concrete slabs and shells subjected to short-term and long-term static load, applied without release of load, is presented. Most significant non-linear effects exhibited by concrete, concrete steel, and prestressed steel, are simulated. The described numerical model is verified through results obtained by experimental testing of a prestressed concrete shell subjected to short-term and long-term load.

long-term load, short-term load, prestressed concrete shell, numerical model, nonlinear analysis, experimental testing


Radnić, J., Matešan, D., Grgić, N.: Analysis of prestressed concrete shells subjected to long-term load, GRAĐEVINAR, 62 (2010) 3


Radnić, J., Matešan, D., Grgić, N. (2010). Analysis of prestressed concrete shells subjected to long-term load, GRAĐEVINAR, 62 (3)
Jure Radnic WEB
Jure Radnić
University of Split
Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Geodesy
Matesan WEB
Domagoj Matešan
University of Split
Faculty of Civil Engineering, Arcitecture and Geodesy
Nikola Grgic WEB
Nikola Grgić
University of Split,
Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Geodesy